PMS Comparison | Pay Only For Performance | PMS AIF
PMS AIF WORLD has interviewed various portfolio managers and the same is available on YouTube and liked by many PMS investors. PMS products are for high-risk equity investment products, so requires a careful selection as per investors time horizon and risk appetite. PMS Bazaar provides a list of past performance data, but PMS AIF WORLD does a detailed Quality, Risk and Performance Analysis(QRP). Past performance data that PMS Bazaar prepares is an important item, but, past performance may not be sustained in future, and more than past performance, it is important to know the quality and risk aspects of the portfolio before the same is selected. A PMS Comparison is a concentrated portfolio of stocks and is a wealth management scheme, managed by the professional portfolio managers that offers customised investment strategies to build wealth from the opportunities arising in the market. Hence with all diligence, the portfolio is well poised to generate superior returns. ...